2 0  Q U E S T I O N S   W I T H
C H R I S T O P H E R   L A M M
J I M  J O R D A N

Q: In 1 - 2 sentences, describe who you are: 
A: (I), Christopher Lamm, love humanity, kindness and food. the love and empathy that connects us all constantly keeps (me) curious for other's stories and well-being. 

Q: Where are you from?
A: I was born and raised in Bavaria, Germany and moved to the United States at the age of 19.

Q: Would you say you're more of an extrovert or an introvert?
A: I would say I am both. I have a very deep relationship with myself, cultivated through years of overcoming past trauma and finding my way back to myself. BUT, I absolutely get so much joy from others. I have many friends and value their laughter and happiness so much. 

Q: We heard you were in the military, what branch and how long? 
A: I was in the US Air Force for almost 3 years. I was an electronic warfare technician for C I3os, was an honor guards man and an advocate for sexual abuse and human trafficking survivors. 

Q: How did you get into modeling/acting?
A: I started modeling to get my foot into the industry. but have always strived to tell stories. A story "The Lovely Bones" saved my life when I was 18 and I have a never-ending fire in my soul that wants to reflect humanity back at the world through the art of acting and film. 

Q: What's around the corner career-wise for you?
A: I have been studying tenaciously and insatiably at The Imagined Life and I have a short film coming out in the beginning of November, which is my first lead role. And (I have) 2 projects going to Sundance. I'm so excited for all the stories coming my way. 

Q: What was the happiest moment of your life?
A: The happiest moment of my life is every day when I get to see my beautiful boyfriend and our 3 incredible children.

Q: Where is the most beautiful place you've been?
A: The most beautiful place I have ever been might be Zion. I love to travel and nature is close to my heart. The whole earth is beautiful and I am so excited to see as much as I can. 

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: My hobbies are cooking, hiking, playing with my kids and reading.

Q: What, if any, social media platform do you use the most?
A: I only have an Instagram account. It's too much to keep up with everything else. I don't have Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc.

Q: Who was your first celebrity crush?
A: Jake Gyllenhaal in "Brokeback Mountain."

Q: What was the last TV show you binge-watched?
A: "Scenes from a Marriage." Heartbreakingly true, deep storytelling.

Q: What is your favorite...
Flavor: Mango
Sound: A crystal bowl singing
Smell: Grapefruit cedarwood
Word: Undaunted
Feeling: Empathy

Q: What is your least favorite...
Flavor: Artificial cherries
Sound: Alarm clock
Smell: Sardines
Word: No
Feeling: Anxiety

Q: How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect you?
A: I met my fiancé in January of 2020 and his children, deepened my art craft, and healed more things about myself that I wouldn't have been able to see without the lockdown. 

Q: What cause do you most identify with and/or passionate about?
A: I would say human trafficking and sexual abuse survivors. I have suffered severe trauma as a child that I have overcome as a young adult. when I was in the Air Force, I became a sexual abuse survivor advocate and counselor. 

Q: What would be the title of your memoir?
A: 'Jihi', it's Japanese for replacing suffering with happiness. 

Q: Who would play you in the movie of your life? 
A: Matt Bomer

Q: What is your true love? 
A: Stories. Stories carry so much that we can learn from so when I dive into a play or script, I empathetically identify and it peached me so much about myself and others. 

Q: Who or what will you be for Halloween? 
A: I am dressing up as the big bad wolf and my partner is going to be little red riding hood. 

Q: Trick or treat? 
A: Treat. 

Photographed by Jim Jordan Photography
Photographed by Jim Jordan Photography
Photographed by Jim Jordan Photography
Photographed by Jim Jordan Photography
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